Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Can You Use Grassroots Methods to Kickstart Your Writing Career?

by Dana Gore

Image courtesy of GoodBooks.Online
I hate to break it to you, but if you're an author, writer, or blogger, you're in the company of millions of people who want the same things you do. You want people to read and benefit from what you have to say. You want others to share your work. You want to be fairly compensated for your efforts.  Last but not least, you want to  leave a positive impact in the world by helping people.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Silly Is as Silly Does - An Author’s Take on the Writing Process

by Ken Dixon
Image courtesy of GoodBooks.Online
I used to be really silly.  And, to be honest, I still am.
That's why I gravitate toward humor writing.
At the advanced age of (muffled sound), I think I should be far more serious.  Apparently, I have managed somehow not to grow up.
You can't just skate through life finding "funny" wherever you look, can you?  You need to "knuckle down", right?  I was supposed to do that in order to "get anywhere".  Well, here I am.  I ended up somewhere, in spite of myself.  But that other place might have been more interesting and and quite a bit more lucrative.  I'll never know, because it's too late now - and that's as good an excuse as any to keep doing what I'm doing (whatever that is).